What if this is as good as it gets?
You may be wondering what this strange looking photograph is depicting. Is it a high resolution photograph of Jupiter or one of the other gas giants? Or is it a picture taken from the inside of someone's knee joint? If you thought it was either of those two things, you'd be wrong. Its actually a picture taken from the inside of someone's knee joint.
On Saturday night, Tript, Princess, Dr Oboe and The Rodfather came over for a few refreshments after a long week of toiling in the salt mines. We may have had a few too many refreshments I don't know, I can't remember, but what I do remember is waking up the next morning and finding my upright stability had deteriorated to somewhere between 19th century amputee and a blind person with both inner ears removed. As you can imagine, this is not the ideal situation.
Upon inspection of the crazy knee, no signs of external injury were present, though someone wearing lipstick had kissed the inside of both my thighs several times (probably Tript). I proceeded to gently manipulate said knee and found that I couldn't straighten it much past the orovengular position. Though having said that, there was a slight inscansing of the nephrolymbic side. Weird. Anyway, what I'm basically trying to say is that my leg bend is now all gammy. This is particularly good news because I had the same knee reconstructed two years ago and I've been looking for some way of getting back into hospital.
So I hobbled off to the doctor the next day and sure enough, he thinks I need to have some surgery done to find out what's happened. Oh joy of joys. I so dearly love being crippled and having to go under the knife. As for the picture above, I had a similar one taken when I had the first operation done and I dare say that the one I'll get this time around will look a little similar. Notice the fibres of damaged knee meat floating around in there. When I get mine I'll be sure to post it.
I find out on Wednesday whats going to happen. Pray for me.
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